Words 3.5.3

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WILL: We say “where there is a ____, there is a way” to say that if you really want to do something, you can do it. Там, где есть желание, есть и возможность.

CHEW: We say “I have bitten off more than I can ____” when we take on a task which is too difficult for us to complete. Не откусывайте больше, чем вы можете прожевать.

INTENTIONS: We say “the road to Hell is paved with good _____” to warn people that having good and noble desires doesn’t guarantee that the outcome will be positive. Благими намерениями вымощена дорога в ад.

SKIN: When we say “there is more than one way to ____ a cat” we mean that there are multiple ways to achieve the same aim. Есть несколько способов снять шкуру с кошки.

FONDER: When people who love each other have to spend time apart, we often say “absence makes the heart grow _____”. Разлука укрепляет чувства.

INCH: We say “Give them an _____ and they will take a mile” as a warning not to compromise at all. Дайте им дюйм, и они пройдут милю.

HAY: When we say “make ____ while the sun shines” we mean that you must take full advantage of an opportunity while it presents itself. Суши сено, пока солнце светит.

BUSH: When we say “a bird in the hand is worth two in the ____” we mean that the possibility of having something better is not as good as actually having something good. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.

BEHOLDER: We say “beauty is in the eye of the _____” as a reminder that people have very different tastes. Красота в глазах смотрящего.

PEG: When we try to combine two things which are incompatible, we say “you cannot fit a round ____ in a square hole”. Вы не можете вставить круглый колышек в квадратное отверстие.

BROTH: When there are two many people involved in making a decision or planning something, we say “Too many cooks spoil the _____.” Слишком много поваров портят бульон

CHOOSERS: We say “beggars cannot be _____” when there is only one option and we don’t like it very much. Нищие не могут выбирать.